40 watts should be enough if you don't listen to your music at very loud levels. Those Ohm speakers are rated at 90dB/watt. Here is a link from Ohm Walsh on the specs of your speakers: http://www.ohmspeakers.com/store_item_detail.cfm?item_ID=10&cart_ID=425217576688
Would also second Duke's suggestion on getting on Oppo. I had an Oppo DV-970HD which sounded pretty good for the price. For your budget, you could go for their top-line 983. Or if you just want a CD player, the Cambridge Audio 540 or 640 have had excellent reviews in your price range. Currently AudioAdvisor has a demo 640 for sale around $500.
Would also second Duke's suggestion on getting on Oppo. I had an Oppo DV-970HD which sounded pretty good for the price. For your budget, you could go for their top-line 983. Or if you just want a CD player, the Cambridge Audio 540 or 640 have had excellent reviews in your price range. Currently AudioAdvisor has a demo 640 for sale around $500.