Joule 150A MKII versus Atma-sphere Preamps

Currently have a Joule 150A MKII that works fantastically well with my CAT JL2 and Music Reference RM9 Special Edition; bot are single-ended RCA only. I will be getting a Atma-sphere OTL amp in a little while which I'm told is generally best with balanced connection. My question is both general to the Joule versus the Atma MP1/3s and also regarding the need for running balanced with the Atma-amp versus using very high quality RCA ICs.
I've been a long time user of MP3/AS30. Prior to the MP3 I had a AI M3(single ended) as my preamp running to the AS30.
The combo worked fine with no issues. The MP3 was a sgnificant stepup but I suspect that's because the MP3 is a better preamp and not because it's balanced. If you like the Joule there shouldn't be any issues running it single ended with the AS amp.
Thanks Franks, I'm coming to that conclusion. I want to enjoy some M-60s without having to carry two preamps. I've spoken to a few folks who have made me comfortable with the idea that the Joule will work very well indeed, even if unbalanced. Thank you for keeping me from going over the deep end. But there is a ARC Ref 1 on sale....
I agree with Tvad as I have run my PSE HL-1 in both modes and the Balanced always seem to have a lower noise floor and offered more resolution;also when I last talked with Ralph he recommended using Mogami cable which I did and think it is excellant;also will not break the bank.