digital Amp. Going green

Any thing out there between $3000 to $5000 in the digital amp arena that has altered your desire for using tube base amplification?
Kabir, I am running Gallo Ref. 3.1s. I mentioned this on another thread here on agon --

RWA also has a forum on audiocircle and i've seen some good feedback from more of us Gallo owners, such as this --

As good as the 30.2 is the 70.2s are even better with the Gallo. You can't go wrong,and RWA offers a 30-day so you'll be able to find out if htey are right for you wihtout taking a loss.

Cheers, Jeff
Check reviews, both in professional journals and here on internet. The best amplifier for slighly more then $5k is Spectron Musician III SE. Period. Just act...
All The best
With the new RWA amps, they feature a SMART module that automatically turns off the amp if the battery voltage drops too low, so you dont have to worry about accidentally killing the battery. I believe the life of the battery is 2 to 4 years and the cost is cheap at around $20 each times two batteries = $40. My 30.2 manual states that the batteris are user replaceable and gives directions to replace them when the time comes. Seems easy enough.

- Nate