Amp for Sonus Faber speakers

Hi. I have received some very useful information on these forum's in the past, so I hope to receive some useful feedback. Thanks in advance !

I have a pair of Sonus Faber Grand Piano speakers (the version from about 5 years ago - not the new Domus version), and had been using a Jolida integrated amp 1501 with them (tube pre-amp section)and they sounded great. However, I was having some problems with occasional buzzing and could not isolate the problem, so eventually decided to sell the amp and replace it with a Pathos Mk 1 (version II). With the new amp, it sounds like someone has stuffed a towel into the midrange drivers. I am not referring to a subtle change. The change in sound is dramatic, and they do not sound good.

I have spoken to a few dealers who give me simple answers ... like, the Pathos amp is a lousy amp (doesnt seem to be true according to the large volume of reviews I have seen), or the power is too low (70 watts vs. 100 for the Jolida).

I'm not sure what the problem is but itis clear that the amp and speakers are not a good match. The Sonus Faber dealers in NY seem to recommend Ayre (seems ok), or Hovland (too expensive). I really dont want to experiment with buying and selling amps too many times so I though I would put this out there to get opinions of anyone who has used these speakers and what they felt worked great with them.

Thanks again in advance !
I am using the the Ayre AX-7e Integrated amp to drive my Sonus Faber Domus Speakers. I have the Ayre CX-7e CD player and the Magnum Dynalab MD-102T Tube FM Tuner. Harmonic Technology balanced interconnect cables are being use for the CD player and FM Tuner. The AX-7e has plenty of power to drive my SF Domus Speakers. The overall sound quality is excellent and the tube like quality of the Ax-7e make these speakers really stand out. I was very surprised at how good the system sounds and so were my friends. I was using the BOW Wazoo 50wpc integrated amplifier and then switched to the McIntosh MA6900 Integrated 200 WPC. amp. A friend suggested I auditioned the Ayre AX-7e Integrated and I decided it sounded better than the other 2 integrated amps. I suggest you listen to the Ayre AX-7e Integrated amp in your system. cheers...
this sounds like a defective amp....will it sound different (yea)....but should it sound bad(no)
I've owned the Sonus Faber Grand Piano speakers and have used Plinius SA-100Mk3/SF Line 1, Classe CAP-100, YBA Integre and Krell KAV-300i to drive them. Out of all, I felt the Krell was the best match in bringing out the detail, slam and dynamics of the Grand Pianos (although the 300i was unrefined and harsh in character) due to the forgiving nature of the speakers. The GP's sounded lacklustre with all other amps.

Your mileage will vary due to listening tastes and preferences.