Is upgrading stock tubes standard proceedure?

I'm just wondering if I'm the last guy to realize just how enormous an improvement can be had by upgrading stock tubes to NOS. Most of my system has been in place for some time now and I've sought to improve it's performance by tweaking. Tube changes have resulted in noticeable but subtle results; most of the time involving trade-offs... until now. I just upgraded the 6922s in my cj Premier 17LS to Amperex 6DJ8s with stunning results. I can't find any trade-offs, everything desirable in audio is improved IMHO. This is the kind of improvement I would have been looking for if I bought a new preamp and spent twice the money. As much as I've read about tube rolling, based on what I'm experiencing now, there isn't enough emphasis, especially by professional reviewers.

So, I guess my purpose in writing this thread is two fold:

1) Why don't tubes receive at least the same attention as the equipment they're in.

2) Just a heads-up in case there is anyone else out there who thinks they can't justify $100 or more for a small tube.
I would say so. Most so called audiohiles are addicted to buying equipment and very expensive equipment at that. They would be willing to spend thousands of dollars at a drop of a hat but when you ask them what tubes are you using or have tried, they only have stock tubes and havent even tried vintage tubes because they say it's to expensive but will go out and and just go in a never ending equipment hunt hoping the magic component falls in their lap. In my experience, price has nothing to do with how good your system sounds, but by experience and by not disregarding all the tweeks big and very small. I too had to learn the hard way. Just my opinion.
Speaking for myself :-) that's why I have probably $10,000 worth of tubes,(2 drawers full) of different tubes. They sound different in different gear, so you should always keep a good stash. Some NOS brands and types are getting VERY hard to find.
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Up grading (changing) your systems sound by changing tubes is fundamental and I think understood by most folks who venture into tubes today. It is not my intent to rain on your parade but I think your enthusiasm should be tempered a tad.

IMHO the assumption that using NOS tubes is the only way to effectively tune a component or system is fallacious. There are numerous excellent new production tubes available which will meet the needs of many tube users. And they are easy to research, obtain, and usually cheap, so when your tastes don't coincide with those of folks who recommended them, you won't be out much money. This is especially true of power tubes but often some new production small tubes will serve quite well. It all depends on system resolution, balance, and the degree of listening skills/interest.

Whereas buying NOS tubes, which are most often anything but NEW old stock (unusued tubes that is) can be a major hassle and introduce you to the dark side of internet tube sales.

Even when working with a reputable dealer of old tubes, unless he is clairvoyant, or just happens to understand the sonics of your system or your desires, his recommendations will be generic and optomistic. Just read all of the requests for assistance in purchasing different tubes from users which are devoid of information sufficient to guage their needs. Now note all of the folks willing to recommend all of the great NOS tubes that will assuredly serve them well.

Doesn't make much difference when you are talking about $10 to $25 per tube but when you are talking about some excellent Amperex or Siemans, Tele's or Mullards, you had better have a lot of money for tubes and KNOW what you need before you buy.

Like Mofimadness I have a large stash of old tubes but I can assure you I didn't buy them just to have a stash, hord, or resale. They are tubes I bought for use that didn't sound quite right when I actually plugged them in. I'm saving them, confident that their time will come. They include some $200 a pair true NOS Amperex's and Siemans. I'm sure Mofimadness has his gems as well. :-)

IMHO NOS tube acquisition is not for the tube newbie unless they also enjoy buying expensive wire without being able to return for exchange or refund.