Do you pull A/C plugs during thunder storms?

Just wondering how many folks adhere to this preferred practice.

I find it easier to flip the breakers to the outlets that my system is plugged in to.
I used to keep a 7270 McIntosh power amp unplugged for 5 months at a time if I was not using my stereo. I now have a Cary V-12R tube amp and a Cary SLP98P tube preamp. I live in Pinellas County FL. Lightning capital of the Northern Hemisphere. YES unplug anything valuable, no matter how great your surge protector claims to be or you'll be sorry like a few people I've met. You would not beleive the chain reaction lightning can cause. My stereo had 17 components, 6 speakers and a sub. Now it has been reduced 6 components and 2 speakers and I keep a second smaller stereo just for lightening storms. BE CAREFULL
Are you in the red zone?
No. I've lost equipment to a nearby lightning strike, but I think of that as a freak happenstance and I don't think the added protection is worth the trouble everytime it rains.