I owned a Rotel RB-1080 and another Rotel Rc-995 preamp which were mated to a pair of Matrix 803 Series 3 speakers. Listening to smooth jazz sounded good in the first few minutes but after that, I felt there was something amiss. At first I thought it were the speakers but just by luck, I changed the RB-1080 to a Parasound A23 (125wpc). Wow, it changed the sound of music (no pun intended) completely around. That's when I realized that the RB-1080 was the culprit.
I have learned then to stay away from Rotel products.
But thanks for your input. And yes I am still looking at the Parasound Halo amps, even though they are regarded as mid-fi by the audiophile community.
I have learned then to stay away from Rotel products.
But thanks for your input. And yes I am still looking at the Parasound Halo amps, even though they are regarded as mid-fi by the audiophile community.