Parasound JC-2 character?

Stereophile’s review of the Parasound JC-2 suggested that the preamp is lean or perhaps analytical. Is this preamp musically engaging? The Positive Feedback review claimed it sometimes sounds a bit sweet. I am not looking for a warm sound or lean sound. But I’ve never heard a preamp that completely neutral, so I would rather have a product that faults a tiny bit towards warm than analytical. Are there any JC-2 owners out there that finds the preamp to be musically engaging and natural? I have no way to hear the JC-2 so I may have to purchase with out an audition. Any insights would be appreciated.
I'll help clear this up for you. Essentialaudio is correct with the exception that Audio Advisor is the ONLY authorized mail order vender for Parasound. They have the line because some people aren't anywhere near a dealer to be able to audition, and Parasound doesn't want to deny them access to their products. If a dealer is near you Parasound would prefer you purchase from them. A dealer is able to offer you benefits like auditions and product synergy recommendations, along with local warranty support and product tech support.

As for a response to the original question, I find the Halo JC-2 to be incredibly neutral, dynamic, and revealing with plenty of "bloom". I can honestly say that it was the single biggest improvement my system has ever seen when I got mine. It will reveal flaws in other equipment if there are any, and especially poor recordings because it is so resolving. It has tons of impact and bass is powerfull and articulate. It's like turning the volume on everything up eccept the noise. All that low level detail is now audible. Also, the channel seperation is so much better than anything else I've heard, it was like I upgraded to monoblocks. Not harsh, not analitical, just sweet! $4000 only seems expensive until you compare it with anything else that can be considered it's peer. In that case, it is a standout bargain!
Coyolxauhqui and Winger, my remarks were accurate, clarified by Audiobroke (thank you).

Audio_girl, you are correct, I am a Parasound Halo dealer, as mentioned in my post. However, I tried to stick to the facts and hope my post was helpful and not a pitch. If at any time you see things differently please contact me and I'll try to put myself in your shoes. Thanks.

Brian Walsh
5560 - I suggest that you read the review in the latest Absolute Sound (June/July). Jonathan Valin compares the JC-2 to the Audio Research REF 3. Good luck.
To anyone who has owned, heard, or compared both:
In what ways is the Parasound Halo JC-2 preamp sonically superior to the older top-of-the-line Parasound P/LD-2000 preamp?
Is it a subtle improvement, or a big improvement?
Are there any things at all that the P/LD-2000 does better?
Ok then,
Another question:
Should I have my Parasound P/LD-2000 preamp modded, or find a used Parasound Halo JC-2 preamp for best sonics?