Solid State or Tube Preamp mated with Tube Monos?

Just wanted your opinions on partnering "tube monoblocks with a solid state preamp" versus "tube monoblocks with a tube preamp." We currently use Wolcott Tube Monoblocks with a beautiful sounding Threshold Stasis R5 preamp; however, I just want to get a sense of the possibilities -- good and bad -- transitioning to a tube preamp mated with the Wolcott monos. Thank you.
since threshold is incredibly neutral, a change might give you a little more warmth, but only a change for the sake of change...if you like the sound save the money.
Thanks for the response Jaybo. The Threshold output impedance is less than 100 ohms; while the Wolcott input impedance is 250,000 ohms. The specs -- given some say that the input impedance on amp should be at least 10X the pre ouput impedance -- seems to mate pretty well. Moreover, the sound of the pieces together seem to approach perfection to a closer degree than other tube and solid state setups we've had. Thanks for your input.