Hi Paulfolbrecht,
you are right of course, and this is why there are so many manufacturers all believing they make the best set of compromise in their design. It makes it very confusing for people searching for the best hifi combination and probably fun too.
I have heard people say the switching amps strip timbre information when compared to their amp. Something which I have never found. In fact I would say the opposite especially with the Bel canto e1.
In fact in my system I cant fault it at all.
you are right of course, and this is why there are so many manufacturers all believing they make the best set of compromise in their design. It makes it very confusing for people searching for the best hifi combination and probably fun too.
I have heard people say the switching amps strip timbre information when compared to their amp. Something which I have never found. In fact I would say the opposite especially with the Bel canto e1.
In fact in my system I cant fault it at all.