Blown CS7.2 Tweeter/midrange

I thought the 7.2 could play very loud without any problem. Although I haven't been playing extremely loud (90 db peak), one of the tweeters was blown. I am sending it back to Thiel for repair. Anyone has similar problems? I am using 200 watt mono blocks with 4 ohm setting.
I am not a fan of Krell at all. I guess I may try a big Krell some day when an opportunity comes up. Not to offend anyone, my past experience with Krell (older models) was that they sounded whitish or bleached. Don't know about the newer Krell sound though. The Lamm has a very nice balanced and rich sound.

I have been playing at around 90 db for the past two years without any problem. I hope it was the tweeter's fault. I will report as soon as I hear from Thiel, possibly some time next week since this is a long weekend. Stay tuned.
My tweeter has been repaired free of charge. Gary Dayton from Thiel told me that the tweeter's moving part failed. My amps didn't burn the tweeter. That is why they didn't charge me for the repair. Now I am in business. Thiel's customer support is excellent and Gary was extremely professional and helpful.
Glad it was not the amps, and you are are back to listening to music. I have also had nothing but the best service from Gary and Thiel.
Thiel is the best for standing behind their products! Regardless of what else is out there, because of my 20 years of expereince with Thiel's stellar customer service, I'll always give Thiel a better than equal chance of getting my hard earned money.
I also sent a "thank you" email to Kathy Gornik, President of Thiel about the excellent customer support I received and asked her when Jim Thiel would come out with a new flagship speaker system to replace the legendary CS7.2. She said Jim was not working on the 7.2 replacement at this moment since he was busy with other projects. I really wish Jim created a new flagship at a killer price.