As with all things, it depends on what you want. The upside of separates, it seems to me, is that you can upgrade one and keep the other, at least for awhile. The upside of integrateds is that you'll get more functionality out of the same budget.
For three-k you can get some pre-owned stuff that would totally kick butt in either camp. One other thing to consider is whether you like your music warm or snappy. In my opinion, the quick-tempo'ed detail freaks out there (like me) are better off with separates, while the lush, rosy sonic palettes have a lot more choices for integrateds. Someone's going to pounce on that, but it is my experience.
For three-k you can get some pre-owned stuff that would totally kick butt in either camp. One other thing to consider is whether you like your music warm or snappy. In my opinion, the quick-tempo'ed detail freaks out there (like me) are better off with separates, while the lush, rosy sonic palettes have a lot more choices for integrateds. Someone's going to pounce on that, but it is my experience.