Downsizing from Audio Research REF110 to 100.2

I have an Audio Research REF3 and REF110, I pair them with Proac D38 and Transparent ultra MM biwire speaker cable.

I want to keep the REF3 but I am going to try the very well reviewed solid state Audio Research 100.2, I like the REF110 but I want to have more simplicity in my system and not to think about if my power amp in switched on or not.

I also wanted to convince myself that I am not such exigent to need always the best, I had in the pass an Audio Research D200 which left to me good reminders, I know that 100.2 in noticeable better so I think it could be enough satisfactory in my system.

Someone having some experience with both amplifiers?
How they would compare?
Thanks everybody for the answers, I think I have to try to see what happens in my system. If I do I will post my experience in this thread.
I am sure REF110 is a superb power amp but I also feel I am not getting 100% of its possibilities, perhaps there's a problem in my room, of I would need a better (and maybe bigger speakers). I heard that Proac is a good match with Audio Research but not sure about current models...
Hi Jglpubli
I have a friend who runs Proac speakers (i don't know the exact model number, but the speaker has 2 woofers around 7 or 6 inches on Apolito mode). We tried an Audio Research VT200 on those speakers, and faced issue on bass response (bass response was not consistent with medium and high frequencies). I'm not sure Audio research tube amplifier is a good match with Proac speaker, so solid state amp is maybe something to try...
I am not closed only to ARC but I have not experienced with other brands, I used a D200 with good impresions, specially in bass response, so I think the 100.2 could be a good amp to try.

I feel in general a lack of air, the bass is not as defined and sweet as I wanted. Audphile1, maybe you are righ with the Proac remark, with some records the system is a bit aggresive also.
In general I believe the system should sound better having a REF3 and REF110, if the problem is with the room it has no sense to maintain a REF110 working at 50%.

Anyway I have to recognize that I have a very natural mids with good recordings, the realism in some cases is very impresive, but with a poor average of such recordings.