Jeff Rowland Pre with Pass Labs X350.5 or X600.5

I am keen to know how well does Jeff Rowland Preamps like the Synergy IIi or the Coherence work with Pass X350.5 or X600.5 amps?

Any inputs will be most appreciated.

finally got to hear the Capri + 102 in action... though I am not familiar with the rest of the system, the audition at least confirmed that the setup is not "lean, bring & forward".

one step closer to getting the Capri to match the X150.5, hope they "like" each other :)
That's fabulous Driver73. If you get Capri, remember that the creature will take over 500 hrs to shine. . . and that a good PC will make a world of difference on it as well. I like very much the Shunyata Anaconda Helix Alpha. . . but given it draws only 6Ws, I suspect the Python Helix Alpha will be equally good. Keep us posted. G.
Please realize that Guido is talking about the nth degree of refinement taking 500-hours to shine through. If you'll look back at his early impressions of the Capri and my early impression of my Continuum 500 (which uses the Capri's pre-circuit) you'll see that we were both very favorably impressed very early on.

Yes, it does improve with more hours, but it's good after the first hour and very good at 100-hours, then amazing at 500+. At least that's the way I see it.

Dave of course is correct. . . I confess suchly of being exceedingly a*n*a*l*l*y retentive. *grins* G.
For instance, I just got off the phone with another new Capri owner. He's ordered his with the phono stage and borrowed my inverse-RIAA board to burn in his Capri's phono circuits. He got put just 60 hours on it and says it's surpassing his Levinson and Sutherland dedicated phono stages already!!! This guy can afford whatever he wants and has spent tens of thousands on pre-amps over the years.

He's going out of town so he's returned the board. I told him to call me when he gets back in July to put another hundred or so hours on and he'll be even more amazed.

This is a "bar none" kind of product, so don't let it's small size and low cost fool you.
