RWA amp with DODD preamp both battery powered

I should get Dodd Audio battery preamp next week (from good people of Underwood) and I also have purchased RWA (Red Wine Audio) Sig.30 (Omega version) from another audiophile here on AgoN.

I thought of using RWA in my second system with some monitor (still big question mark on which- I like M&D but might go with Omegas instead). However since I am going to have them both , I thought about pairing these battery powered pieces and see what happens. I am not sure if RWA 30wpc will have enough juice to drive my Quatros but I will give it a shoot ......if only out of curiosity.

Do you guys have any thoughts or opinions about these two working together or maybe someone actually tried this combo in his/her system????

I am all ears.
It seems like you guys are playing a very save game with brands that are widely available and popular. Well, I have RWA and DODD home, along with some awesome monitors that go down to 30Hz. But I am not telling how it sounds. Good luck with your systems.

:) :)

I'm sure the RWA 30.2 sounds great with the Dodd preamp, congrats! I was highly considering the Dodd pre, but Vinnie at RWA is close to releasing the RWA Isabella and it is also a tubed preamp on SLA battery power and there is an option for a NOS dac built-in. I have talked to Vinnie about his preamp design and I know he is voicing it to be very special with the RWA amps so I just have to be a little patient. Vinnie sounds very confident that he has something pretty magical with his Isabella design and based on how much I enjoy my 30.2, I trust him 100%. Can't wait to order one when it is ready!

Maybe you can "borrow" the Isabella on a 30 day trial and put it up against your Dodd and let us know :-)

Jeff that would indeed be very interesting comparison.
When I ordered my Dood , Isabella wasn't in production yet.
There is a price difference that is quite a bit - at least for me. I bought my Dodd for $2495 new - directly from Dodd but through awesome Walter from Underwood. Gave up my Granite Audio as a trade-in. Isabella looks great and I am sure it will sound as good as the rest of RWA products. If someone owns one - sure, come over for a shoot-out. A little get together for few audiophiles is always welcome in my house. I will setup my second system (temporarily) today with superb monitors that I bought on Friday and I am hoping it will turn heads.
