Pick a preamp for my system: Ayre or MBL

I have Avalon Eidolon and use a Krell 700cx amp. I want inputs from you guys picking a preamp for me: MBL 5011 or Ayre K1-xe. I want a premap with resolution, imaging and tight fast bass. Thanks.
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Krell 222 would be superb, actually better than the two box unit (202). For tubes I would go with the LS 26 from ARC.
Personally I would go with the MBL5011. The Ayre is very good in terms of transparency but I thought the MBL had better overall presentation and realism.
I have used the Ayre K-1XE in my system with the Krell 650M amps and the combo was very good together. Its strengths are just what you are looking for. Resolving, excellent imaging and soundstage, fast and deep bass, and tons of detail. Have not heard the MBL with the Krell amps.