Jeff Rowland's Continumm

I've been interestingly putting my eye on the new continuum range from jeff Rowland for some time and have a question based on some discrepency within the information I have gathered; some claims new continuum uses the same module that was used in 201 and 501 while other claims Continuum uses the same module as 302 and 312.

Can anyone solve my curiosity?
If you think Rowland is good...wait till you hear Ayre. No need to spend big bucks...try their AX-7E. I say this after hearing the Capri and Synergy 2i. Actually I owned both the Synergy 2i and Capri. The Ayre smacked both the Capri and Synergy...and I mean smacked beyond comparison.
Some of us like vanilla and some of us like chocolate.

I'm glad there are choices in the world. We're talkiing about integrated here, BTW.

06-01-08: Pinkus said:
"If you think Rowland is good...wait till you hear Ayre. No need to spend big bucks...try their AX-7E. I say this after hearing the Capri and Synergy 2i. Actually I owned both the Synergy 2i and Capri. The Ayre smacked both the Capri and Synergy...and I mean smacked beyond comparison."

Perhaps you should gather your thoughts and post an intelligent review in the appropriate section. You'll need to think up another descriptor or two if you want anyone to take you seriously.


don't want to rain on your parade. Enjoy your equipment.

Having experienced the Rowland sound, I was more impressed with the Ayre sound....much more so. Maybe at some point, I will post my thoughts in more detail. But I am not concerned if others take me seriously or not. All that matters to me is what I like, and to me my preference is clear.

My earlier remarks could have been better expressed, and I am sorry for how my remarks came across to you or other audiogon members.
06-01-08: Pinkus said:

don't want to rain on your parade."

Thanks, but don't worry, I don't need your validation.

I'm looking forward to your thoughtful review.

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