Some of us like vanilla and some of us like chocolate.
This is the most thoughtful observation rendered here. We all want to believe that our preferences have relevance. They do, too. But not to everyone. Only to us.
I see people in here promising to furnish us with their "findings", as if scientific studies were being conducted and measurements reported. In fact, what we are hearing is one persons opinion experienced in his room in his mood in his system with whatever weighted selection he prefers as his evaluation music. There are no facts to be given in these kind of circumstances. Findings, I grant you, sounds heavier and more authoritative than opinion or impression, but that, in fact, is all that is being guy's one view. And isn't it interesting how we are always knocked out by unprecedented levels of (fill in the blank - clarity, nuance, gestalt, palpability, etc.)when we plug in the item that just emptied our wallet and within a month or a year, it has become our weak link.
There are no absolutes to be had and nobody is right or wrong in their personal preferences. Failure to honor that axiom is where we go wrong.