behringer reference?

This thing looks like a beast at 500 watts into 8 ohms. Aesthetically it is horible, but maybe all the enginneering went into the electronics. I am just wondering I guess if this behringer reference a500 amp would sound good in a 2 channel set up. I am kind of on a budget, and dont care about looks, so I wonder if this amp at less than 200 would be a good bet. It definetly would open up my options for speakers. I am thinking if this amp works I can than spend a lot more on speakers where I may see the true gain in quality. What do you think?

I am not suggesting that Behringer is state of the art, or even approaches the build quality of truly "high end" gear.

I am, however, considering the possibility that a disproportionate part of the savings

(or in the case of "high end" gear, the high cost)

is more a function of

a) the absence or presence of silky smooth controls and exotic chassis work

than it is a function of

b) a similarly dramatic difference in sound quality or reliability.

I suspect this is a more nuanced and accurate view of Behringer than "no duh of course it's cheap because it is cheap, PS it's cheap, and by the way, why do you think its cheap?!"

My apologies to those who are trying to pay a mortgage and/or feed their families by selling, say, Ongaku amps or Harmonix "tuning" devices.

With regards to your point "b", I reiterate: I've had to use Same Day Music's liberal return policy a number of times. That "number of times" was a direct result of reliablity issues. IOW: The gear either stopped working, or stopped working properly. None were abused, and some- bad right out of the box! There's much more lacking than silky-smooth controls, or exotic chassis work. Do you suppose those two amps you have running mono, and powering desk-top mini-monitors are putting out more than one watt each? What a stressful test of their reliability! Enjoy your sounds, and I hope your gear lasts a lifetime.
I was just listening to a system today that had those Behringer amps used in a multi-amp, actively crossed-over setup. The owner likes the amps and I admit they sound pretty good. However, he did tell me that he had to send the first four back because they did not work out of the box. He ultimately received 2 that did work and he's happy with them for the price.

I would say it very important to buy them from a reputable dealer who will replace them if necessary and/or refund you money in the event they don't work as advertised. If you try them and like them, you've saved a lot of cash over the typical home hi-fi offerings.


Parts Express has been my supplier for these amps and also for a DEQ24/96 which also continues to work perfectly.

Unlike many audio dealers I have met, they have been 100% customer service focused with a liberal, absolutely no questions asked return policy.

They have even offered to refund shipping costs.
Just to update a very old thread, I just tried one of these A500 amps in my system. It drives the Martin Logan Aeon-i's. I am sold on its performance. The only issue is long term reliability. However, for the price, I don't think you can beat it. I have several other megabuck amps on hand for comparison (Classe, Parasound, Pass, Forte, etc.) and it is as good as any of them.