What Solid State PreAmp?

In the $5K-$10K range, what are the top PreAmps out there? I am looking for a musical PreAmp. I know of the following in NO particular order, but there might be others. Any feedback would greatly be appreciated.

McIntosh C200
Ayre K1Xe
Accuphase C2000 and C2410
Classe CP 700
Mark Levinson 320 and 326
MBL 5011
I am a tube guy, but the best SS preamp I have ever heard is the Placette Audio active.
The Jeff Rowland Design Group competes with all the preamps you've listed and only costs $2400. Look for the reviews around A'gon. It's too new for the paper mags.

I agree with Ejlif. If your set on a SS preamp the Ayre K-1XE is something special. When you consider the used price of $4-5K they are hard to beat.
I'm also a tube guy,however,I've heard wonderful things about Jeff Rowlands Capri pre amp and it's a lot less than what you're looking to spend.
"I have listened to Parasound, it is not my cup of tea."

You've listened to the JC-2? It's a different animal altogether. In any case, my post was just a suggestion to consider.