leave power on?

I have heard that it is bad to turn power off, especially in tube gear. What is the opinion about leaving power on vs turning off. I would rather turn off if it is OK. I have Pro-ject tube box SE phono, Odyssey pre amp and amp. Please share your opinions. Thanks, Mark
Most of the SS gear I've owned sounded better when left on 24/7. Most tube gear sounds best after a warmup of between 30min and 3 hours. Otherwise leaving tube gear on always is a waste of tube life IMHO.
Spectron amps advise one in their manual to leave their amp on 24/7. It only draws 40 watts at idle.
Actually, I have heard and read the opposite, which is that tube gear is fine to turn off and on (assuming you provide a bit of warm up time before listening sessions), but that solid state gear needs a couple of hours, at least, to sound its best, which why some people leave their solid state gear on 24/7.

However, to be honest, I tend to turn off my equipment between listening sessions, mostly because I rarely listen from day to day, and it seems to be a waste of energy (hence money) to leave it on 24/7.

That being said, my solid state preamp, an Ayre K-1xe, is always on, as there is no on/off switch actually, (it is in stand-by mode), and basically, I do is unmute it to turn it on. But preamps tend to draw very little current, so there is no real problem with leaving them on.

My hybrid amps, Lamm M2.1 monoblocks, (which draw a lot of current), I leave off until I need them. Then I turn them on, and let them warm up for 20-30 minutes before I start listening. The sound is very good after half an hour of warmup, but does get slightly better after another half an hour or so. After 45 minutes to an hour, the sound does not seem to change much.

My two cents worth anyway.
I agree with Jax2. Tubes dont take long to warm up and sound good after an hour or so. There is no need to leave tube stuff on when not in use.

Solidstate gear is a little different and in my experience sounds better after quite a long period of being left on. The latest gear after being burnt in doesnt suffer as much as some of the older stuff though.

Save energy where you can. As the flood water washes your house away followed by the desert sands covering the plot where it stood, try explaining you used to leave your hifi on 24/7 because you got sweeter highs and slightly more separation!