Old power amp with newer preamp?


I'm a newbie and I'm looking to improve my setup and more than happy to buy used equipment. I currently run Boston Acoustics CR-77 bookshelf speakers through an older Denon AVR-3000 receiver in 2 channel stereo. I have no desire for surround sound, just want to build a better system for music listening.

So I made the grave mistake of visiting our local B&W and Rotel dealer and I was really impressed with B&W's new 686 bookshelf speakers. The dealer played them through Rotel separates.

so here are my questions

Can I buy an older Power Amp (say from the late 1980s on) and pair it with a newer digital preamp? I'd pick up an amp here or on ebay. Probably 70 - 100 watts per channel.

Is there much difference between pairing a power and pre amp together over a good integrated amp of the same brand and power?

Any other recommendations for amp brand? (I'm pretty sold on the B&W's, so I'm looking for a good amp to pair them with.)

I'm looking to spend $500 for the amp setup and am happy to shop used. I've heard Cambridge Amps before and also NAD. I'm not in a position to A/B the amps, but was impressed with all three.

Hi Guys,

thanks for your help and specific responses. I've decided to look at audiogon and other places for a used integrated amp, at least 75 watts per channel and preferably 10 years old or younger. I'm currently pretty sold on the B&W 686 speakers. (which oddly enough, sound much better to my ears than the more expensive 685s.) It seems that B&W likes plenty of power, hence my wattage requirement.

anyway, I appreciate all the guidance and I look forward to building a great system on a budget

I just wanna share my experience with you.

I use a brand new tube pre-amp Ming Da MC 7R (replaced all the stock tubes with old NOS)with my 30 yrs old McIntosh MAC 4100(just the power amp). My speakers are JBL L300.

The system sounds like a million bucks.
I would highly recommend Aragon amps. 2004 or 8002 are within your budget, and they are one notch above NAD / Adcom / Rotel. I own 8002 and I am very impressed with its performance. It's comparable to higher end amps I used to own that cost between $2000 and $3000.
Hi Folks,

I thought I'd offer a quick update on my progress. I spent some time locally listening to new and used integrated and separates. In some ways I'm very encouraged and in other ways, I'm more confused.

For used equipment, I liked the Rotel RX-1050 over the NAD 7240PE. I preferred the new Rotel separates and Musical Fidelity integrated over either of the used units.

I listened to the B&W line of speakers again and this time I found the 685s to be superior to the 686s. (I went to the same dealer, but different location from last time.) Then I really got into trouble when I listened to the new CM series of B&Ws. Through the Musical Fidelity, they were really amazing.

CM series: $900
Musical Fidelity amp, power and cd player demo on blowout: $1875

My budget doesn't come close to that, so back to reality. I currently run music through a Sony DVD carousel unit, into a Pro Logic Denon DVR3000 into Boston CR77 bookshelf speakers. I suspect that any of the above is a marked step up.

So I'm going to try to find a used: creek, rotel separates, musical fidelity or arcam.

might go used speakers as well. There are many CDM series B&W on ebay and their prices seem quite nice, as do the 805 matrix line.

anyway, thanks for listening in on my journey. its been fun so far.


P.S. For a reference CD, I can't seem to beat Nickel Creek's self titled album. A great folks sound to test systems with.

I'm way outside my budget now and