Gregm, I have owned the Levinson, Cello Suite and "palette," and Accuphase 280 line stages, but of course, long ago. The Cello stands out as exceptional among them. I had gone quite crazy and bought the full Cello system, including the amps and equalizer connected by miles of Cello Strings. It was the ease and total confusion associated with an equalizer sitting there beside me to change at my whim that ultimately got me. I had to sell the entire system rather than the equalizer that was all I really wanted to sell. If Saxo could find a used Cello Suite, he would no doubt love it.
Apart from the Cello, I think you are wrong about no advancements in circuit designs. I have already noted this, however. Tube circuits have also advanced thanks to better parts and power supplies. The new Exemplar fully regulated design struck me as exceptional at the RMAF. I am anxious to try one soon. It is a $11,000 unit, however.
Apart from the Cello, I think you are wrong about no advancements in circuit designs. I have already noted this, however. Tube circuits have also advanced thanks to better parts and power supplies. The new Exemplar fully regulated design struck me as exceptional at the RMAF. I am anxious to try one soon. It is a $11,000 unit, however.