Transistor Preamp that sounds like a Tube Preamp?

You probably think I'm crazy, but with all the improvements in solid state, are there any transistor preamps that have the following characteristics I hear in tubes?

1. Fully fleshed out instrumental timbre and overtones?

1. Full, alive midrange with bloom, body and dimension?

2. The airy space and separation between instruments?

3. That realness and aliveness of tubes?

4. At a retail of around $6,000 or less?

I'm sure I'll be getting some clashing opinions on this....
is it possible that replacing capacitors and resistors from some solid state preamps can bring one closer to a "tube-like" presentation?
07-14-08: Mrtennis asked:
"is it possible that replacing capacitors and resistors from some solid state preamps can bring one closer to a "tube-like" presentation?"

Generally, no. You can make a cheaply built SS amp sound better by improving its parts, but it's best to start with an amp using high quality parts to begin with, made by a great designer that was trying to make the best possible sound.

If the designers goal was to make an amp that sounds "tube-like", stay away.

Post removed 
I agree the Atma-sphere is not "tube-like" in the sense you describe (rolloff at the extremes with a mid-range push)- I think that older tube gear may have been a bit like that. What is tube-like to me, for both preamps and amps is the elusive concept of bloom which I think Asa described well. It's the way an instrument projects sound into the room and that always seems more realistic (whether it is or not)than what I've been able to accomplish with SS, not that SS gear can't be wonderful, with its own sonic signature. While the Pass XA30.5 doesn't "bloom" like my tube amps, it doesn't mean it isn't a great sounding amp, it is - but it still does not sound like a tube amp, and frankly there is proabably no reason it has to, or should, or ultimatley, can.