Integrated amplifier below 1.5K for Sonus Faber?

Looking for replacement of current integrated amplifier.

Short listed few potential one (below USD 1.5K): -

a) Audio Analogue Primo Settanta
b) Audio Analogue Verdi Settanta
c) Audio Analogue Puccini Settanta
d) Cambridge Audio 840A
e) Roksan Kandy MKIII
f) Creek Classic 5350SE
g) Naim Nait 5i
h) Primare I21

Feel free to provide me some advice on the above list to be paired with Sonus Faber Concertino Domus speakers.
Musical Fidelity A3.2 Integrated amp. Or even A3.2CR power and preamps both units for less than 1500 total.
I have a Nait5i and think it's amazing. It's all about creating music vs. hi-fi. Definitely hear it before you buy any of the others!
@Vangoughear: I would make some study on MF A3.2 then, thanks.

@Groovybassist: Nait5i is very analytical but not musical, it works best for fast rhythm music, my music taste more towards classical, jazz, new age music. Appreciate your recommendation though. I am looking for int. amp which is tube-like solid state giving warm, neutral, clear soundstage.