Integrated amplifier below 1.5K for Sonus Faber?

Looking for replacement of current integrated amplifier.

Short listed few potential one (below USD 1.5K): -

a) Audio Analogue Primo Settanta
b) Audio Analogue Verdi Settanta
c) Audio Analogue Puccini Settanta
d) Cambridge Audio 840A
e) Roksan Kandy MKIII
f) Creek Classic 5350SE
g) Naim Nait 5i
h) Primare I21

Feel free to provide me some advice on the above list to be paired with Sonus Faber Concertino Domus speakers.
I honestly don know how to make Sonus faber concertino sound good. But I would stay away from anything tube based, as I mentioned before. Tubes might be good for very forward and bright/detailed speakers. But for sonus faber you need good gain , some smaller amps would not control them very well. But i gues you are not looking at small amps.
I heard Rega amps and they were fairly bright sounding which might pair well with SF, but I never actually heard Rega-SF combo.
What i am trying to suggest is ask around for SS amp with real forward sound and at least 100W of efficient power output.SF speakers need their butts kicked before they move.
Stay away from amps that emphasise bass (which is hard to do) because SF by design will color everything with bass.
Hi Auronthas, that's a good idea in considering the Krell KAV-400xi wich i believe you can buy used for $1500. Aldo i have not listen to any of the integrated amps that you list, i have listen to Sonus Faber speakers been driven with Primare amplification and Jenna Labs speaker cables That combination sounds amazing. Much more musical and realistic than the all Krell room that my local dealer has. And yet,it never ocurred to me to connect the Krell integrated they have with Sonus Faber; the mind wonders...

Good hunting and happy listenings amigo!
hi all, thanks for your advice.

Finally, got my new Krell KAV-400xi yesterday.

Well, first audition, it gives a very much improvement from previous amplifier Cambridge Audio 540A. It produces a very natural, musical sound. I hope after some hours of run-in, the sound will be improved further.
Go with the Krell Integrated! You will not regret!!!!!
Even the older 300i will impress I assure you.