Would like some feedback on which preamp would best suite my McCormack DNA-500 SS amp. Source is Audio Aero Capitole MKII and speakers Usher Be-10 with Focal Utopia sub. I have a Melos SHA-1 and would like to upgrade.
No comparison. IMO Nice rig but away. Be prepered for an eye opening experience. I have heard many that better Cary for less. Nice gear but overpriced IMO. Modwright, Supratek, Blueberry could work very well in your rig as well.
Never heard the Dodd, but am no fan of the 6922 tube. The Cary is a superb preamp for the money; be sure to hear the F1 version (direct coupled with oil caps), it's more extended and has superior bass compared to the basic '98.
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