H20 Revisited

I've come across several glowing reviews of the H20 M250s and S250 from a few years ago, but haven't found much additional feedback over the past 12-18 months.

Are there still satisfied owners out there? Has anyone auditioned the amps recently? Do they still stand out against the alternatives in the price/class range?

I'm narrowing down a list of SS amplifiers to audition and would love to hear if the H20s are still at the head of the class.
Beware the Ref 1000's on higher efficiency speakers- the flaws were easily revealed (lack of body; slightly grainy highs) when compared to the much superior Symphonic Line RG4 MKIII amps that replaced them. If you have less revealing; more power hungry speakers however, it may be a good match...
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I've been listening to H2O M250 SA on a pair of Gallo Ref 3.1> Amazing
clarity and focus. Top to bottom almost perfect. I have tried using
many power cables, found Fusion Audio Enchanters took them
to the next level.
Hi Crubio,

I agree with you.

May I ask you what your source is? I am using a non-oversamping DAC. I have found nearly all oversamplers an annoyance. I have not tried analog.

My H20 S250 replaced my tubed ARC VT100MKII in May 2005 and I am still most happy with it. When I first auditioned it I found that it was the first non-tubed amplifier that I could listen to without bleaching out the harmonics. Since I bought it I've had Henry upgrade it with the newest ICE modules and V-Cap bypass caps. As Rpw states, it is most sensitive to power cords and ICs. Its definitely worth an audition in your system. Henry Ho will send you one for a test drive.