RCA to XLR cable ok from DVP to Pre/Pro?

I want to use a high quality CDP/DVP in my HT setup. I am seriously considering buying one of several pre/pros (ie, Classe SSP600, Parasound C1/C2) that only allow 2 channel analogue bypass/passthrough via XLR balanced inputs from CDP/DVP, but I may only have unbalanced RCA out. Will I significantly degrade SQ (or defeat purpose) by using an RCA-to-XLR cable to overcome this obstacle? Thanks much. Jeff
Thanks guys. Bob, I don't know if it's a major concern, that's why I'm asking :)....but thanks for the transformer suggestion. For $200, it may be worth trying. I just don't understand why so many of the better AVP's only offer balanced input for their analogue bypass (Parasound C1/C2, Classe SSP600, etc)
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I'm a fan of balanced as well. In a true balanced circuit, the noise floor is said to be lower. Their are some mfg who only make single ended compoents, i.e., Conrad Johnson, etc., so I guess they don't agree with that philosophy. There is gear which just sounds better through using the balanced outputs (Esoteric, Musical Fidelity, etc). Not loooking to start a flame war... Just what I have read and what I have heard.
Just to throw in my other two cents, I do have some balanced to single ended cables (Innersound, not expensive) and prefer using single ended high end cables (Tara Labs The One) rather than the Innersound Cable. What I am getting at is in my preamp, I only have one pair of balanced inputs (used for CD player), so while my benchmark has balanced and single ended outs, I went with the single ended and much better Tara Labs The One cables rather than (what I feel to be) inferior balanced to single ended cable. If I were willing to spend the dough, I would have Tara make a custom pair of The One's with balanced/single ended terminations. Being I lose the benefit of a balanced circuit with the single ended on one side, why spend the money. If you have no choice (only balanced out on source and only single ended on input device, you may not have a choice. When I started experimenting with balanced, I purchased inexpensive musician cables, which easier to hook up, but heard no sonic imporvement over single ended. In fact, I picked up noise (cheap, long runs). Once I got into the high end balanced cables, I just wouldn't go back from balanced.
Cerrot: interestingly enough, Esoteric DV60 is one of the DVPs I was considering, and while it has balanced outs, a 6moons reviewer said it sounded much better via single-ended unbalanced outs. Go figure!?! Obviously, if I go with the Esoteric, my issue is moot, but what if it really does sound better via unbalanced? Other DVPs I'm considering, like Denon 5910, Arcam fmj139, do not have balanced output, and neither does my current unit Pio dv47a, so that's why I asked the question. I'm not looking for minute differences, just curious whether there would be a significant and very noticible difference going RCA out of DVP to XLR in one of these new pre/pros I'm considering. Thanks...Jeff