Spectron musician III SE MkII mono block vs active

Did any one compare SM III SE MkII in mono block configuration versus active crossover system? Is there any difference?

Thanks for comments.
Guma15, I am not sure I understand your question completely.
Are you asking:
1. Difference using in 1 pc SM III MKII stereo amp 2 channel mode versus using 2 pcs mono, with or without active crossover before amps ?

Pls advise,
thx terry
dear terry,

thanks for question. when i asked for two options how to use spectron musicians i meant:

1. use two stereo musicians in monoblock configuration
2. use two stereo musicians as they are but connected into the system trough active crossover

what would be best?

now we can find a number of very good reviews about musicians in monoblock configuration but i'm wondering if may be active system even be better.

I presume that you speaker's passive crossovers are outboard and totally removeable eg Magnepan 20.1, Analysis Audio Amphitytrons (both of which I do own).
In this case, active crossover infront of the 2 amps will provided 4 channels of amplification, one amp feeds one speaker.
This setup is far more superior than using 2 mono amps and passive crossovers, 2 mono amps are better than 1 stereo amps.
My current setup is like this:
1 pcs mono Spectron MIII MKII feeds the bass panel of 1 speaker, second mono feeds the bass panel of the other speaker and the third stereo MIII MKII feeds both speakers mid/treble panels.
My next move will be the use of 4 pcs MIII MKII all in mono mode to deliver 4 channels of power.
If you have not order your Spectrons as yet, I would to suggest the upgraded V-Caps and Bybees.
I also have tried these setups with Pass amps and active crossover conf has always been more superior sounding.
I have been using true balanced ICs and I cannot hear even a hiss with ear pressed against the ribbon tweeters in my system.
All of this I know because I have done them.