Audio Research 230/240 volts

I'm looking to buy a European SP16 Pre, on the back of the pre it has 230v stamped on it, I live in the UK where we use 240v. I have been told that the 230v models use the same transformers as for the 240v.
Does anyone know whether this is correct.
I know that the unit will work but I juat want to make sure the the performance will not be affected.
Am I okay to get the 230v model or best to get the 240v model?
Any prompt response would be greatly appreciated
This is not exactly true. At least not in all cases. A friend of mine attempted to convert his Ref 2 mk 2 preamp, and it turned out that althought 2 of the transformers were universal, the third wasn't. He had to order a new one.

So what models are yours that being converted successfully?
Will all later models than yours be what Elberoth2 said, not universal in one of them...
I am sure a pre amp will be OK. I got into big trouble with my ViVa Solista, I bought in from the states, to the UK. It was easily changed from 110 to European standard 220volts. After it repeatedly blew capacitors and then output tubes. The Italian designer told me that UK 240volts needed new transformers. A year waiting and £800, it works perfectly, but a costly mistake. The problem was the high voltage around 820 volts in the 845 tubes. In the immortal words of Scotty from startreck " they'l no take it captain"
VT 100 MkIII and LS16 MkII, both running beautifully 2 months after conversion. The tech did say there were 2 transformers in the LS16, but they were both universal. If you think about it, it's crazy economics for a manufacturer to go to the expense of making different transformers for different markets (probably less than 50 VT100s rated at 240 volts sold in my neck of the woods) when a universal can do the job for all markets. But no manufacturer will tell you that, as their priority is to protect the market for each distributor in each country. Problem is, that where I'm from, ARC products are priced at twice the price of what you can buy them for in the US. BTW I ran both through step down transformers before converting them with no degradation in sound quality (you just have to make sure the transformer can handle the maximum wattage of the amp). I just decided to go ahead with the conversion because it was easy to do and to clean up the mess of electronics behind my rack.But that's an option if you don't want to keep the equipment original.

I want to buy a CD3MkII and convert from 120 volts to 230 volts. Anybody who has done that?

