Mono Block tube amp or Stereo Tube amplifier?

I am thinking about buying a tube amplifier but I am caught up in deciding on Stereo or mono block tube amplifier. Can someone point out the pros and con of each? and which do you think is better?
A great place to start in tubes is an Onix SP3. Hands down the best tube amp out there for the money. You can tube roll all the tube to change the sound til your hearts content. Also there are forum threads galore about this amp. As far as stereo or mono is concerned, I would go the stereo to start to see whether you in fact are a tube type of guy. Some people aren't.
I am using Legacy Audio Focus 20/20 speakers, and I have McIntosh C2200 Preamp, McIntosh MC402 amp, McIntosh CD player, and VPI Scout turntable. I am considering Bi-Amping, with tubes driving the Mid/High, and the MC402 driving the woofers. So that is where I am hang up between getting a mono block tube or stereo tube amp. I do realize that I have to use an active crossover in the Bi-amp configuration since the amps are different. Any thoughts on Mono blocks tubes versus stereo tubes amps for this application?