Cary SLP 05 & Isoclean Fuses- Amazing

After buying new speakers, Avalon Eidolon, my system became much more transparent and revealing. But then I quickly realized my preamp was the weak link- soft muddy bass and not very transparent so I decided to do some tweakings.
I replaced the two stock fuses in the power supply w/ Isoclean fuses and was literally blown away. The resolution improved by at least 20-30% and I could hear little details that were not there before.
I also replaced the stock 5ar4 w/ a metal base 5ar4 and the bass is now fast and tight. I use a combination of Brimar and Pope 6sn7 tubes w/ great results.
These are great tweaks that should make your Cary preamp sound alot better. I was going to sell the Cary and buy an Eistein preamp but no need to do so anymore! Happy listening my friends.
06-26-08: Keithr
how are fuses directional. i mean, let's think about this folks.

The have to be oriented according to which hemisphere you live. :-)
Anyone try Furutech fuse, I was told its lot more better, and another one namely IXOS... can find info on web though