Integrated amp with phono section for Totem Arro

Hello, gang,

I've been doing research on the following topic already, and I beg your indulgence if this topic has been beaten to death! :-)

In about a week, I should be the proud owner of a brand-new pair of Totem Arro speakers! :-)

Most of the rest of my system comes from the mid-1980s. This includes my amplifier, a PS Audio Elite Plus integrated amp, solid-state, of course, with 70 W per channel. I have assurances from PS Audio that this amplifier should, in theory, have no trouble driving the Arro, which presents a load of 4 ohms. What I'm wondering, however, it is since the Arro is, from everything I've heard, a VERY revealing little speaker, I'm concerned in advance what I ought to do for amplification if the Elite Plus turns out to sound harsh when paired with the Arro.

What I need, then, would be a much more modern, integrated amplifier, including a phono stage, because my main analog source is a SOTA Sapphire turntable.

I'd be looking at something that I could pick up for, say, $700 or less. Something used would be okay.

All suggestions welcome! :-)
Congrats on your new speakers.

Give your new speakers at least 60-hours of burn-in before concerning yourself with the amp. Better yet, if possible, put 200-hours on the by running them constantly, then start considering the system.

What cables and interconnects are you using? As your speakers get more revealing, this is a place to focus first. Don't get suckered into getting a soft-edge amp to compensate for the "accuracy" of the new speakers. Really fine speakers will show weaknesses in your sources, cabling and, yes, your amp. However, PS makes good stuff, in general, and is probably superior in quality to your CDP, TT and cables.

$700 amps aren't any more "modern" than your PS. I suspect the money will be better spent on cables and ICs, if at all. (Remember, don't do anything until the speakers are fully burned-in).


Thank you very much for the what impresses me as sound advice (ouch, sorry for the unintentional pun). I just now looked on the FAQ at and they recommend at least 100 to 150 hours of break in time (wow) for the Arro, along with an integrated amp of at least 40 watts, so actually, I ought to be in good shape.

The CD player is a brand new Music Hall CD25.2... not the creme de la creme of what's out there, but supposedly a very good player.

Cabling will be an issue for sure. I have large lengths of old Monster Cable Powerline 2 speaker cable from when I had my old Vandersteen 2C's bi-wired. Do you think I should just get them reterminated at shorter lengths and try them out while breaking the new speakers in, or should I get some new speaker cable off the bat?

The CD player comes with really cheap looking interconnects, but I have a pair of better Monster Cable interconnects from the old system that I'll start off using.

Beyond that, the main thing I'll be dealing with is the turntable, which is at SOTA right now being inspected. They'll be making recommendations for tune-up and possible upgrades. I'll be needing a new cartridge (there's a 20 year old Audioquest on that arm!) and the Linn Basik arm could probably use an upgrade but I may wait on that.

The PS should be fine - like Dave said, sit with it for a while. Get used to the speakers, let them break in...

I would not suggest going crazy on cables, but after a while look into a solid state Naim Nait or a Unison Reasearch hybrid. Otherwise, go tubes...