How do you clean tube pins?

I'm sure there must be some discussion on how to clean tube pins (both power and small input tubes), but I haven't been able to find much on the subject. Specifically:

1) As tube pins are so close to each other, what tool do you use to clean the pin?
2) What solvents do you use?
3) How often should you clean tube pins?
4) Any other advise / suggestions you'd like to share.

In advance, thanks for any suggestions you may offer.
usually inserting and taking the tube out a few times should be all it takes as far as maintenance cleaning.
I usually use DeOxit for initial cleaning if I get a NOS tube set. Just make sure you use tiny bit. This stuff dries out fast and works pretty good.
Boy, you guys sure are meticulous. I thought you could just put tubes in the dishwasher with the other glassware.
"I thought you could just put tubes in the dishwasher with the other glassware."

uh...You Can't?


It's always something...
On tubes with gold pins i use Tarn X with great success. On other tubes i use Caig DeOxit and wipe it off with 99% rubbing alcohol. I do not use any type of contact enhencement products on tube pins.
Hope this helps.