Spectron III SE vs. Signature III SE MK2

Any impressions from those who have owned the former and now own the latter. Discernible sound improvement with MK2?

Also, anyone install the V-caps. How did that work out.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hmm, that is a good question!

I really can't fault the new amp or ask for more - especially as I put a personal emphasis on transparency, crystal like sound, drive and control, but of course no glare or strident tones. I must say that for me, the Mk2 definitely had the transparency and control , but it was a bit "hard", maybe sterile - or put another way, lacking emotion. The III SE with upgrades is very musical, lots of PRAT, so no regrets and looking back. I would imagine the amp w/o upgrades will still be a spectacular performer compared to anything out there.

For me (in hindsight), the extra cost at the time (cough cough) will never leave me looking for an upgrade other than going the monoblock route. I don't know if the upgrades are retrospective - Simon can let you know that.

I have always been on an upgrade path, but this time around my ears tell me that any benefits will not be in this department for years to come, other than monoblocks, which is just more of the same! If you don't like this amp, then the problem lies in system synergy.
Yes, there is a discernable difference for the better in the SE vs. the MK2 mainly due to the improvements in the reconstruction filter. There are other improvements in the MK2 version detailed on their webpage.

The V-Cap option is also worth it imo but the bybee may or may not be worth it depending on your power source (do you have a dedicated line without a lot of noise on it and do you use a nonrestictive condtioner like the Shunyata with it?).

From my experience the MK2 is a very musical, detailed but not harsh at all amp and one of the best I've listened to.

You have to run it in for 300-400 hours before doing any crtical assessments however.
Yes, I was thinking about doing the V-cap option and not the bybee. From what I have researched on the web the v-cap seems like it has a greater impact.

I wonder if you have tried your unit with single ended input? I tried this on my MkII, and loved the increased dynamics I got. Not going back unless I get another unit and run in balanced monoblock mode. As I understand it, the stereo amp converts balanced input back to SE, anyway. For whatever reason, I liked SE better than balanced.

FWIW, I really, really like my MkII. Best amp I have ever owned, including lots of tube gear. I have owed the same speakers for 18 years, and the Spectron is easily the best match for them.

Do you really like the remote sense cables and have you tried conventional cables?