Tvad, at one time, my system was intact, with the Pass preamp inserted in place of the Fire preamp. Another time the preamp and amps were switched to Pass. The H2O's dampening is 2000. The no feedback X-600.5 has a damping factor of 250. That would account for the bass bloat. Again the speakers are pigs to run, and only my amps can do it well.
Listening to all the best, the XA. 100.5 monos, and the X-600.5 amps doing bass, the result was more reasonable. That is because the magnetic field of the Apogee Full range is so much stronger. These Full Ranges
These speakers can go to deafening levels. Thanks to the XA being class A, the sound never got objectionable. The dynamics, body, and size the FRs put out a frightfully real stage.
Yes I am going to toot my horn again, and say, with no doubt whatsoever my system H2O/Scintilla has it all over the Pass/Full Range in reality. What I could get out of Full Ranges....... mmmm hmmmm.