Aragon to Classe.....

I am useing a Aragon 4004MKII for mids and tweets and Carver TFM35 for woofers on my VMPS FF3SRE speakers with outboard crossover. My dad is getting a new amp and I can snag is pair of Classe CA150's he ran in monoblock, I will use these in Vetical Bi-amp or Horizontal it doesnt matter as I am just curious of best way to do this opinions.The amps will ofcourse be level mathced so I wont have the hassle I did with my current amps but the Carver has gain adjustment.
What do you guys think? Is this an upgrade or not worth the hassle to ship and install? Thanks
this would be a huge upgrade. not sure on the power required for the vmps. if you run the amps in mono, you should have enough. my ca-200 amp goes from 200 watts in stereo to 700 watts in mono.
Well, you'll have 300 watts a side @ 4ohms, in stereo mode (vertical biamp)...I'd go there. You could probably get rid of the Carver.

With the bass drawing the most power from the amps, vertical gives you more power supply at the ready. (you can try both ways of course).

Thanks for the help, yes vertical would be ideal to give less signal creep (I think) I just wondered if its odd to run Vertical when Lch would say be for bass and Rch for mids and this ok or go Horizontal so bass is isolated to one amp and mids and tweets to the other?