Aragon to Classe.....

I am useing a Aragon 4004MKII for mids and tweets and Carver TFM35 for woofers on my VMPS FF3SRE speakers with outboard crossover. My dad is getting a new amp and I can snag is pair of Classe CA150's he ran in monoblock, I will use these in Vetical Bi-amp or Horizontal it doesnt matter as I am just curious of best way to do this opinions.The amps will ofcourse be level mathced so I wont have the hassle I did with my current amps but the Carver has gain adjustment.
What do you guys think? Is this an upgrade or not worth the hassle to ship and install? Thanks
In horizontal biamp, both channels of one amp are responsible for bass in both left/right speakers, so that one amp is exposed to the heaviest load while the other amp is loafing only being asked to drive the mid/tweets of both channels. In the verticle mode (one amp) is responsible for the bass in only one channel plus the mid/tweet of the same speaker. Therefore the load on the amplifier is reduced. Also, when operated in this manner you are running the amplifier pair as stereo amps and not bridged which may present a problem with very low impedence speakers.

I would also take the Classe over the Aragon for sound quality.
I'm not sure I understand you correctly?

The stereo amps will act as mono left, one right. Each amp gets two inputs...left channel Hi/Lo for the left amp...right channel Hi/Lo for the right amp.

I'm assuming that each amp has only one transformer?...if so, you could have some extra headroom for bass reproduction with a vertical biamp, because each channel will have it's own transformer.

This may, or may not be the case? I don't know the Classe amps.

Of course you already mentioned another advantage that could come into play...I'll add shorter speaker cables to that.

Thats three "possible" advantages I can think of.

in mono mode, you would use only 1 input, and for the classe it is the left input on each amp.
Mono isnt an option if I want to use both amps, my speakers require 2 amps and without knowing how the amps will mix I am planning on going stereo on both, 4 ohms will give me up to 500w peak power.
Dave you mentioned another idea, is it better to run shorter cables for speaker or interconnect if I dont have deep pockets for premium cables? I guess I am asking which is likely to bess less of a problem, use of longer inferior interconnects or long inferior speaker wire? As of now I run Audioquest lower grade interconnects and long Dayton Audio speaker wire..............fixed income that I cant get around forces limits in cable options. Thanks
Well, you do have two amps for each speaker...each stereo amp is made up of two channels.

The amps are only stereo, if you run a stereo signal to them.

Shorter speaker cables could be better...and cheaper?

You can try biamping both ways...there may be no difference at all?, or at least not one you can hear.
