Choice of preamplifier: help

Here is my system:
Power amp: EAR 890;
Preamp: Klyne SK-6;
Speakers: Quad ESL 57 (or Reference 3a DiCapo i, depending on the mood);
CD-Player: Rega Apollo;
Turntable: Denon with Denon Cartridge 103-R

I am quite happy overall, but I am thinking about upgrading the preamp. Money is not a hard constraint, but I would like to stay below or around $5K for a good used one. Considering CJ CT-6, Shindo Monbrison, new Klyne 7 series, and CAT ultimate MK2. Which one would you go for? Any other suggestions?

Just to give you a sense of my taste, I love detail and good imaging, but I also like the liquidity that even the best SS preamps cannot deliver as much as tube ones (that's why I may sell my Klyne, despite it's a very good one). Thanks.
Add the Art Audio Gill Alana to the list. Tube midrange with greater dynamics.

Blessings, Bob
hi, have you tried the new EAR preamp to go with your amp? i love that amp, btw....
I own the CT6 and Quad 63’s. Amplification is 2 Music Reference RM10’s in mono block. I’m not familiar with your amp, but I think CJ and Quad in general are a very nice match-up. If you end up getting the CT6, do yourself a favor and try some NOS Siemens or Amperex tubes. They take the CT6 to another level.
After a few listening sessions, I can say that I prefer my Klyne to the CT6. The CT6 is a very good preamp, but I found it to be less brilliant and detailed than the Klyne is. The sonic difference between these two preamps is huge. I guess in the end it's a matter of personal taste. I am looking into the new EAR, but I am also considering the new Klyne 7 series.
Pre-owned ARC LS-25 Mk.II are selling for around $3K and should be a serious consideration.