Spectron Musician trun on noise / tweeter hiss

My Musician III SE MK2 with the vcap / bybee upgrades was just delivered and after setting it up and hitting the power switch a cracking static was momentarily heard from my speakers. The same was true when the power is turned off.

I realize that most amps generate an audible hiss that can be heard when you put your ear near the speakers tweeter, but the Spectron seems louder than most.

Do other owners share the same experience??
Where's your tuner in relation to the power amp? You need the tuner as far away from the amps and CDP as possible, unless it's very heavily shielded (you didn't mention the brand).

CDPs and Class-D amps can spew a lot of RFI/EMI and tuners are the most likely to be negatively impacted. I see you're running balanced, which is critical in Class-D, but does you tuner allow balanced? Make sure that the antenna lead doesn't run too near the amp.

If the whole shebang is in a rack, then try to get the amps on the bottom and the tuner on top. Ayre tends to shield their stuff pretty heavily, so maybe the CDP won't interfere with the tuner too much, but putting the pre between the CDP and tuner would be good.

Once you solve all this, then leave it on all the time. (BTW, I love Class-D and ICEPower stuff, using Rowland myself).

My MK2 is dead quiet even with my ear up to the speaker's tweeter and midrange.

Besides what has already been mentioned the amp likes clean power. It wouldn't be bad to use a good power cord connected to a condtioner like the Shunaya which allows unrestricted power delivery and diverts the noise at higher frequencies to neutral. Conditioners based on serial/baum device conditioners will restrict power to the unit so I wouldn't use one of these.

Do you have a dedicated 20 amp line for the amp? That migt help also.
I'm with Nick778, when everything's right it should be the quietest thing you've ever put in your system. I think there's some issue here.

Unfotunately, the Tuner is not balanced, but does reside on the top shelf of the rack and the amp is on the bottom shelf.

I have a dedicated 20 amp line for my system. I'm using the Shunyata HYDRA and have replaced the stock power cord with the Shunyata PYTHON.

Does using a cable-music input reduce the tuner noise? If so, then you need to work on your antenna lead, if not, do you have a long enought IC to try moving the tuner seveal feet further away to see if that solves or improves the noise issue there.

You've done a lot to stabilize your power supply. Without going to full Power Factor Correction I see nothing more that you can do there.

A last resort, take everything out of the rack and lay it out on the floor as widely spaces as possible, with the amp and CDP at one end and the tuner at the other end. If that helps, then you know what the problem is and you may need two racks, one "digital" and the other analog, or, you might move the amp out of the rack an put it on a floor amp-stand.
