tube integrated amp recommendations?

Hi folks,

I'm looking for an inexpensive (around $1000) tube integrated amp for a second system, and thought I would ask for opinions on what I should be looking at right now. Used is OK to consider for this amp. Here's what I want (I think)...

I would like an amp that I can possibly swap driver tubes in to play with the sound a little. Or maybe one that I can switch from pentode to triode modes. I'd like it to use inexpensive (in the scheme of things) driver tubes so I can try things out (so the 300B or 211 are probably out of the question).

I want a remote control in the unit. I have a Mcintosh MC275 in my main system, so I'm familiar with KT-88 tubes, and wouldn't be adverse to having them in this secondary unit, but there's a lot of other tubes out there to try!

I have a pair of B+W 602's to use on this system (at least for starters). It will be driven mostly be a Sonos and maybe a decent CD player and possibly FM radio. I don't listen to loud music, but I do listen to a wide range of styles, from classical to rock. So, I don't think I need a lot of power in the amp.

So, I'm looking for suggestions on a decent sounding product that has all or most of these things from the list. Maybe more importantly, I'd like to hear about what tubes I should be considering. All input is appreciated.

If I can't seem to find a suitable tube solution, I'll probably get a Audio Decco to run in the system...

I have to echo Grinnell on the PL 2 , it really is a good piece !

I have owned a Cayin 88T . It is nice but the PL will give you a better defined presentation due to more detail and top end extension . It will also give you a better low level sound if you listen in the near field . Where the Cayin outshined the PL was in the lower registers . The PL was a little thin in the mids and did not go quite as low as the Cayin . However , when I rolled the input tubes , the mids filled out nicely and the lows were as deep as the Cayin but more defined . These were compared on my present De Capo i speakers .

I have also auditioned the Cary SLi-80 against the Cayin on VS speakers. I would say that the two had a similar sound with the Cary having better definition/detail . I have often refered to the Cayin as a poormans Cary . The Cayin can be switched from Triode to Ultralinear via the remote whereas the Cary had the switch mounted on the amp itself .

All of the comparings were done using the same equipment with the only changes being the integrateds .

Good luck .
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll look into all of these a bit and see what I can come up with. It looks like there are a bunch of viable options to consider.
What about the Onix SP8 Tube Integrated amp at/by AV123? Ballsy EL34-based 45 wpc and marked down from $999 to $599 new w/warranty. Very retro-cool looking, too.
I bought a Cayin A50T back in Feb '08. It was my first tube amp and it sounds terrific. I'm using it with a Marantz SA-8001 w/King Cobra ICs. VERY smooth, (no fatigue) and detailed sound. It sounds best after 15-20 minutes of warm-up. I run a pair of tapered quarter-wavelength pipes that are 94 dB efficient, so 16 watts of power isn't a problem. How efficient are your speakers?

I definately prefer the triode mode over the ultralinear mode. There is more space around the music and it sounds richer.

I highly recommend this amp.
I owned a Cary SLI-80 and still have my Cayin A-88T. I have never heard a McIntosh MC-275. The Cary and the Cayin do not sound remotely alike. To compare them, would be a little like comparing Roast Beef with Cake. Neither attemps to convey the same sound signature, and which is better is largely personal preference in what type of sound you like to hear.

The Cary SLI-80 is a very detailed and somewhat linear extended sounding tube amp with relatively close to solid state presentation, and a very nice tube blush to that.

The Cayin has a warmer more forward midrange, is more dynamic and immediate sounding, and has a little less extended presentation. The Cary is more mid-hall, the Cayin is more of a vibrant front row center sound. The Cayin, however, is not like what I consider to be overly lush and artificial sounding like some older Conrad Johnson gear.

I personally preferred the Cayin myself. I like it best with SED KT88 tubes, RCA VT-231 (6SN7), and Mullard CV569 (ECC35/6SL7) tubes. The SED KT88s have a very vibrant dynamic open sound with a forward textured midrange and great bass and very good highs.

The Cayin A-88T is very sensitive to tube rolling. You can choose almost any sonic signature. Those who want the Cayin to sound more warm, almost as warm as older CJ equipment, can put in SED 6550 tubes which sound beautiful in the mids, although the soundstage consticts a little. Those who want a more detailed extended sound, but still want to hear some warmth in the mids, can use GEC Reissues (I liked the Chinese KT88s, haven't heard the JJs). I liked the GEC reissues more than the EH or the Genalex Lion KT88s, which to me were a little too extended and not warm enough in the mids for me with the Cayin.

My only quibble with the Cayin, was that with my personal preference in tubes, I hear a very slight hardness in the upper mids (which went away with the other tubes by the way). But what I hear with my preferred tubes that makes it all worth while, is a very dynamic vibrant open real sound - as if you are sitting in with the band.

So, it is apples and oranges whether you prefer the Carry or the Cayin amps. They are two completely different amps. The Cayin has been applauded by all professionals who have reviewed it as being extremely well built. Its detractors are a little too caught up in the China makes junk stereotype. No doubt, some of it is junk. However, the Cayin with its point to point wiring etc (unlike some newer McIntosh tube amps) is definately not! I teamed mine up with a Joule LA 150 MKII Preamp and they made great music together.