tube integrated amp recommendations?

Hi folks,

I'm looking for an inexpensive (around $1000) tube integrated amp for a second system, and thought I would ask for opinions on what I should be looking at right now. Used is OK to consider for this amp. Here's what I want (I think)...

I would like an amp that I can possibly swap driver tubes in to play with the sound a little. Or maybe one that I can switch from pentode to triode modes. I'd like it to use inexpensive (in the scheme of things) driver tubes so I can try things out (so the 300B or 211 are probably out of the question).

I want a remote control in the unit. I have a Mcintosh MC275 in my main system, so I'm familiar with KT-88 tubes, and wouldn't be adverse to having them in this secondary unit, but there's a lot of other tubes out there to try!

I have a pair of B+W 602's to use on this system (at least for starters). It will be driven mostly be a Sonos and maybe a decent CD player and possibly FM radio. I don't listen to loud music, but I do listen to a wide range of styles, from classical to rock. So, I don't think I need a lot of power in the amp.

So, I'm looking for suggestions on a decent sounding product that has all or most of these things from the list. Maybe more importantly, I'd like to hear about what tubes I should be considering. All input is appreciated.

If I can't seem to find a suitable tube solution, I'll probably get a Audio Decco to run in the system...

I also have heard cayin amps and enjoy them all. i like the flexibility of most of the having pre-ins and the clean look and the quality remote with a bunch of functions.

the insides of the cayin also are very nicely laid out point to point and clean.

the sp3/8 has a MUCH warmer sound than the cayin, and because of that it looses alot of top end extension compared to the cayin.

good luck in your search
I currently own and use the following integrated Amps:
Mac 2275
Audio Research CA50
Cayin A70T (very similar to A-88T but with different front end tubes and Quasi Tube rectification)
Cayin MT12A
Jolida 102B with JD50a remote adapter (in reality a passive preamp)

The Cayin A70T and the Mac are used with a pair of B&W 805S monitors.
The CA50 with a pair of AR S310HO floor standing speakers with Sequerra T9 ribbon tweeters.
The Cayin MT12a and Jolida 102b with Sequerra MET 7's,Radio Shack Lineaum tweeters and a powered subwoofer.

With all that said:

A).The CA50 was not a good match with the B&W's (or any Low Efficiency speakers for that matter). With the high output AR's it is superb using Tungsol reissue 6550's

B). The Cayin and the Mac have no problem driving the B&W's to more than reasonable levels in a 27'x18' cathedral ceiling carpeted room (log walls). The Cayin even works well in the triode mode since I went Gold Lion KT88's for the outputs. Overall I slightly prefer the Mac but it's close and the price differential is substantial.

C). The EL84 amps (Jolida 102B & Cayin MT12A)may work in a small room at restricted volume levels like a bedroom or office. Even in this type of venue the subwoofer is really required to get sufficient bass.

I hope this helps, good luck.

As a follow up to my reply above the tube complement of the listed amps is as follows:

Mac2275- Tungsol reissue 6550's, Mullard CV4024's(12at7 driver position), Sovetek 12ax7lps phono preamp, Mullard 12ax7 reissues in the tone amp position.

Audio Research CA50-Tungsol reissue 6550's, EH6922's

Cayin A70t- Telefunken 12au7's,Mullard 12ax7 reissues, Gold Lion KT88 reissues, Sylvania 5AR4 rectifier.

Jolida 102B-Russian 6n14P (EL84 eqiv),Mullard CV4024's(12at7 driver position,Mullard 12ax7 reissues

Cayin MT12A - Telefunken 12au7's,Mullard 12ax7 reissues, JJ EL84 outputs