Still working on choosing a power amp

System: Rogue Audio Perseous Pre amp, Rogue Audio ST-90 Power amp, Krell SACD Standard, Project RM 10 TT, B&W 803s speakers, Staight wire cables. Have been researching options for a power amp. Thought about Rogue M-150 monoblocks and some others. Would there be a sound conflict if I use the Tube preamp w/ a solid state power amp? It seams there are more options for higher power amps that are SS. Therefore more headroom. So, what's the deal? Do you loose the tube sound?
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The Rogue Perseus has an Output Impedance of 450 Ohms. Does that mean the input inpedance of the power amp should be 4500 ohms? So, for example the Mcintosh line of SS amps have an input impedance of 10,000 ohms... therefore would that be a poor match?
Output impedance is lower the better, and input impedance is higher the better.