I bought today the Áudio & Vídeo magazine with the Criterion's review from Fernando Andrette. He had a Coherence for 8 years, he still likes JRDG devices, and said that love to review the Criterion to compare with his old pre-amplifier, as I said above.
In his opinion the Criterion keep the wonderfull sound of the Coherence with a STUNNING improvement. After the reviews, he always gives notes ( 1 to 10 ) about specifics itens. The maximum a device can rich is 80. The Criterion rich 81,5 because he gives 3 notes 10,5: for Sound Stage, for Dinamic and for Transientes ( I don't know this name in English).
You can go to www.clubedoaudio.com.br to see this review in the home page, but you need to apply to read it. Anyway, it's in Portuguese.
I'd like, any day, of course, read a full review for the Criterion from Giodocorona, another expert in audio, to compare with Fernando Andrette's review.
Very good, Guidocorona, that you are back in home, because now you're close to your set up.
Let's listen to music !!
In his opinion the Criterion keep the wonderfull sound of the Coherence with a STUNNING improvement. After the reviews, he always gives notes ( 1 to 10 ) about specifics itens. The maximum a device can rich is 80. The Criterion rich 81,5 because he gives 3 notes 10,5: for Sound Stage, for Dinamic and for Transientes ( I don't know this name in English).
You can go to www.clubedoaudio.com.br to see this review in the home page, but you need to apply to read it. Anyway, it's in Portuguese.
I'd like, any day, of course, read a full review for the Criterion from Giodocorona, another expert in audio, to compare with Fernando Andrette's review.
Very good, Guidocorona, that you are back in home, because now you're close to your set up.
Let's listen to music !!