Class D amp with Tube Preamp Combo?

Have you ever tried a good class D/T amp & tube preamp combination? I have read their can be some occasional problems matching these together?

I was thinking of going this way to get the drive, clarity and efficiency of the switching amp combined with the warmth and full body of the tube pre amp.

What setup are you using?

My first post by the way! I have been reading this forum for the last two weeks learning about audio and what to buy for my first serious system.
07-24-08: Guidocorona asked:
"Hi Dave, did you mean Spectron digital amps rather than Spectral? Spectron Mus 3 is a fabulous switching amp!"

Sorry, yes I meant Spectron.

I have a Supratek Sauvignon using balanced IC's into a Spectron M3 SE and the combination is wonderful.

Your words are exactly what I'm hearing, also I'll add quiet,extended,smooth,transparent,dynamic,and finesse.
"I have a Supratek Sauvignon using balanced IC's into a Spectron M3 SE and the combination is wonderful."

And there you have it guys. . . all great switching amps driven by great tube pres. . . spectron, Rowland, NuForce, Bel Canto. . . and they will work just fine together!
Guidocorona, you left out the Gilmore from your list. In my evaluation, the Gilmore blew the NuForce Ref 9 SE V2 completely and utterly out of the water. I'm sure it was just an oversight...