class d

I want to hear from people who has had experience with these that did not work out and why,all you hear is the positive.I'm not wanting to bash them whatsoever, its just there are people that dont like them,im curious why.Yes ive had a couple,they didnt actually sound bad,but they didnt draw me into the music at all either.
as a newcomer, I would submit that there is some value to reading the debate. I am curious about class D and seeing that there are vaired points of view cements my decision to bring a couple home for a listen. From a practical standpoint, class D holds some attraction for me. The idea of small, non heat producing powerplants is an appealing one. We shall see...
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Hi Jimmy3993. Glad the lively debate stirred your interest. Please let us know what you decide to listen to. . . and of course let us know your impressions. Guido
i am auditioning a class d non digital switching amp.

the raptor amp is a serious reworking of the bang and olufsen ice power module.

it is a product from the glacier audio company, .

i generally prefer tube-based designs, but the raptor is an amp i could live with, if i were forced to give up tubes.

this amp has been reviewed by henry wilkenson, on .
Hi MRT, Raptor appears to be made by Gilmore, see:
At $5K it appears to be a direct competitor to the NuForce monos and the JRDG 501. May I ask what you particularly enjoied about the Raptor, and where you prefered other amps. Do you happen to know how many hrs of operation the Raptor monos had on them? ICEpower amps are notorious bears to break in. Finally, does anyone know if they will be shown at RMAF?