class d

I want to hear from people who has had experience with these that did not work out and why,all you hear is the positive.I'm not wanting to bash them whatsoever, its just there are people that dont like them,im curious why.Yes ive had a couple,they didnt actually sound bad,but they didnt draw me into the music at all either.
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G -
Yea - that might be it. Do you have any personal experience with jrdg pre's?
Hi Jimmy3993, yes I am running a Capri in my system consisting of TEAC X-01 Limited, JRDG 312, Vienna Mahler speakers. I prefer it over my ARC Ref 3. I have also run the Capri with NuForce Ref 9 SE and it worked perfectly. I could wax poetic about Capri, which is currently my preferred pre of record. . . but there are some threads where I have already commented abundantly on it. Just search for Capri in the discussion threads. . . here are some of the threads in questions:

If you buy a Capri, let it play music for 1000 hours or so, then decide if you like it. G.
Thanks g. I looked at the threads.seems like there are some real fans out there. Also looks like the capri new is only priced a bit above the used ones on this site. Might just try and find a dealer to demo and buy new.
Thanks again for your input!