audiphile power cords

Do upgraded power cords really make a significant difference in sound quality? I have a Jolida 502p that I think sounds pretty good. What do you recommend for a power cord that would make a significant improvement?
That's strange, the Tara Labs site about their Cobalt power cord, as skimpy as the info is, clearly states it is a 10ga cord made up of 60 conductors. That would mean 60 #28 ga wires in a bundle.

Audiolabyrinth, I believe you are confused again. A power cord consists of 3 conductors, hot, neutral and ground. The gauge of the power cord is the gauge of one of those conductors, not the 3 combined. Tara Labs specs the Cobalt as a 10 gauge power cord, so I'm thinking the 60 runs would be 20 runs in each of the 3 conductors, therefore making the 20 runs of this smaller wire equivalent to 10 gauge. Same is true for speaker cable that has 2 conductors, positive and negative. The gauge of the speaker cable is the gauge of one of those conductors, not the 2 combined.
Tony (TSL49) is correct, as usual. 20 paralleled 23 gauge wires are equivalent to 10 gauge; 20 paralleled 24 gauge wires are equivalent to 11 gauge. Keith (Audiolabyrinth) had indicated earlier that 24 gauge wires are used in the Cobalt, so based on the supposition of 20 wires for each of the three conductors all of the numbers seem roughly (although not precisely) consistent.

-- Al

Thanks Al, your input is always very much appreciated, and I'm sure sometimes my answers are influenced by what I have learned reading your posts.

Al and Tony, I agree, 20 parallel 23ga conductors make up each of three runs from IEC to plug. To me it was somewhat misleading in stating it was 60 conductors until I read how they described their other power cables. However, for this cable they only used enough ink for two sentences to describe it.