Integrated amp for B&W 805S under $1200?

Hello everyone,

I got a great deal on a B&W 805S earlier this year. Unfortunately, I haven't found the "right" amplifier for it yet, given my budget and musical tastes. So please help a new audiophile!

I mostly listen to classical music, and also some opera and jazz. So I want an amplifier that does justice to the grand symphony sound (think Mahler's Fifth or Tchaiokovsky's Sixth). Sounding musical is very important also: in particular, in violin and piano.

I had a Rotel 1062 from my older B&W CM1. I felt that it struggled with the B&W 805s and the sound was harsh. I next tried the Musical Fidelity A3.5. It sounded much better and I was pretty satisfied. But I noticed I was getting listener fatigue after listening to a moderately loud volume after an hour or so. I next tried a YBA YA201. Wow, musical! Strings and vocals sounded incredibly silky smooth on it. It brought to life my favorite violin and cello concertos (Mendelssohn, Elgar) and Ella Fitzgerald just sounded wonderful. Unfortunately, it was weak on pianos (sounded a bit muffled) and lacked a wide soundstage.

So here I am, trying to find another integrated amplifier. I'm a grad student so $1200 is a somewhat hard limit. Any suggestions? I was considering a Naim Nait 5, a Classe CAP151, or a Plinius 8200.

My CD player is a Rega Apollo.

Thanks in advance,
Jolida 502brc is running (very well) my Matrix 802 s2's more thab enough power and very good vocals,etc.
I really like the Bryston and NAD suggestions. Both are a bit above your price range, though.
I know you're asking about integrated, but if you want good sound, especially for classical music, my advise would be to go with separates.
Here is something you can afford and manage with a $1200 budget:
Pick up a McCormack DNA-0.5 Deluxe amplifier. Add a nice linestage to it, think something like Adcom GFP-750. You will be better off with this set up, which will run you around $1200, than with the $1200 integrated.

Trust me, amplification is NOT the area to skimp on when you have B&W speakers, especially the 800 series. They can do enough bass, give the proper amp. McCormack will drive them in spades.
Raise your budget a bit more & look for a Symphonic Line Integrated in the used market. New is very expensive. This should be 'end of the road'.

With 800-series, just as a fellow member said, you skimp on the amp, you'll never reach your goals. Most B&W 800-series owners complain but seriously they never went all the way!